
最近索尼旗下第一方游戏工作室 Insomniac Games 遭到黑客组织 Rhysida 攻击,不但未来的开发计划全被泄漏,连目前即将推出的 PS5 游戏《金钢狼》跟员工的个资也被盗光光,损失可谓十分惨重。 还被要求200万美元(约6000万)的高额赎金,对此Insomniac Games终于发布声明,表示「感到悲伤又愤怒」,并表示团队正在互相支持,以度过难关。


综合报导,本月12日《漫威蜘蛛侠》的开发商Insomniac Games受到黑客组织Rhysida主导的一次用勒索软件发起攻击的行动,过程中工作室未来的开发计划、即将推出新作《金钢狼》、员工的个资等重要资料都被盗走,并且公布到网络上。 对此,Insomniac Games终于在昨(22)日打破沉默,表示感谢大家的同情与支持,他们对于这起攻击事件感到悲伤且愤怒,并再次表示,团队内部正在专注于工作上,以互相支持。

Insomniac Games 证实,被盗走的资料也包括了员工、前员工以及合作工作室的个资,也包括新作《金钢狼》的许多机密资料,并表示这次的事件对他们来说很痛苦,但也重申,新作《金钢狼》的开发时程并不会因为这件事受到影响。 「只要合适的时机到来,我们就会正式分享《金钢狼》的信息。」 ,并再度感谢大家对 Insomniac Games 的支持。

Thank you for the outpouring of compassion and support.

We're both saddened and angered about the recent criminal cyberattack on our studio and the emotional toll it's taken on our team. We have focused inwardly for several days to support each other.

We are aware that the stolen data includes personal information belonging to our employees, former employees, and independent contractors. It also includes early details about Marvel's Wolverine for PS5. We continue working quickly to determine what data was impacted.

This experience has been extremely distressing for us.

We want everyone to enjoy the games we develop as intended. However, Insomniac is resilient. Marvel's Wolverine continues as planned. The game is in production and will no doubt evolve throughout development, as do all our plans. We will share official information about Marvel's Wolverine when the time is right.

On behalf of everyone here, thank you for your ongoing support during this challenging time.

而对于个资被公开的员工们,Insomniac Games并未发表更进一步的评论,只是在网络上有玩家会下载、游玩已经泄漏的《金钢狼》,目前工作室正在对这些行为发起侵权诉讼,事实上,《金钢狼》预计将会于2026年发表。 而除了《金钢狼》外,Insomniac Games 在未来也有许多新作等着他们开发,但与此同时,被到的资料中也有提到 Insomniac Games 可能会遭到裁员,因此未来是否有足够的人力支持游戏开发,恐怕还得要等时间证明。

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