《Final Fantasy XVI》实体版遭偷跑,开发团队发声明呼吁再等等


为着网络上开始出现的各种偷跑、爆料,《Final Fantasy XVI》今(17)日公开了一项声明,表示已经着手调查,并期盼玩家可以一起再等一等,迎接正式发售日的到来。

我们知道有少量的《Final Fantasy XVI》实体游戏片正在被正在被散布。 我们正在针对非法购买展开彻底调查,并且采取行动在6月22日游戏正式发售前限制非正式购买行为。


对于那些在发售日前收到游戏片的玩家们,我们恳请你不要分享任何游戏内容,包括游戏截图、视频、直播,直到《Final Fantasy XVI》正式发售日之后。



6 月 22 日即将到来,我们迫不及待想要让你感受开发团队期待的方式感受完整游戏。

We’re aware that a small number of physical copies of FINAL FANTASY XVI are being circulated. We are in the process of a thorough investigation into illegitimate acquisitions and are acting to limit the ahead of the official launch of the game on June 22nd.


For those who receive a copy ahead of launch we kindly ask that you do not share any aspect of the game; including screenshots, videos, and livestreams. Until after FINAL FANTASY XVI has officially launched.


Our priority is to ensure that the full game experience is not spoiled for our fans, and to do that we will be taking down any images, videos or streams published ahead of launch day.

We ask for your assistance and cooperation in the final week ahead of launch day.


It’s Almost June 22nd, and we can’t wait for you to experience the full game the way the development team intended.

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