CCG 与 DCAI 预算被缩减,Intel 即将展开另一波裁员行动

Intel 2023财政年度第一季财报公布后,我们都清楚知道这个x86龙头并不好过,因此裁员可能是在所难免,就在美国时间5月8日,Intel即将裁员的消息获得证实。

CCG 与 DCAI 预算被缩减,Intel 即将展开另一波裁员行动

这一波裁员受到影响的事业群包含 CCG(Client Computing Group)以及 DCAI(Datacenter and AI Group)。 根据半导体分析师Dylan Patel在其推特上提到,预计Intel将会缩减10%的预算,预估CCG与DCAI会有20%的人力缩减。

Tom’s Hardware 向 Intel 確認此事,并获得 Intel 發言人對此次裁員釋出声明,声明如下:

Intel is working to accelerate its strategy while navigating a challenging macro-economic environment. We are focused on identifying cost reductions and efficiency gains through multiple initiatives, including some business and function-specific workforce reductions in areas across the company.

We continue to invest in areas core to our business, including our U.S.-based manufacturing operations, to ensure we are well-positioned for long-term growth. These are difficult decisions, and we are committed to treating impacted employees with dignity and respect.

Intel在2022年底就曾启动一波裁员行动,原先计划在4月份会有另一波裁员行动,但可靠消息提到,该波行动被暂缓,而此次裁员也许就是4月份裁员的后续。 虽然Intel与AMD在财报会议上都对外声称市场会在2023年下半年开始出现反弹,但近期裁员的声音不断,不免让人感受不到市场会有复苏迹象。

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